Spiral binding is one popular method of securing loose printed pages using single or double loop wire that fits into round or rectangular holes in the pages. Spiral binding allows the books to lay flat when opened cover to cover. Spiral binding is used for blank notebooks and for reports, mostly for books that have a short shelf life.
Spiral binding is commonly used for cookbooks, calendars, and instruction manuals where the books have to be opened wide. Spiral binding is elastic and does not get out of shape easily. Spiral binding is available in almost every color to coordinate with the covers and can be easily cut to any length. Spiral binding requires punching and inserting equipment. Spiral binding elements are available in diameters from 6mm (1/8″) up to 32mm (1-1/16″) and either 12″ or 36″ lengths.
Ring binding is another method of securing loose printed pages with rings to hold the pages through holes punched in the pages. This form of binding is often used for procedural manuals or documentation where changes are frequently made.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/125526